Sunday, April 1, 2007

UK Visit

Well, I am now back into the swing of things (I think) after returning from a 12 day break in England, visiting with family and friends - and can you believe it - WITHOUT the twins! I had a wonderful time, and only wished it could have been longer, but I was beginning to miss my kiddywinkies! :) I do miss everyone at home, although I know this is where I need to be.

I am now trying to get my head around sorting out the new book, titled: 'What's Under My Bed?' in the hopes that it will be available to buy, by the end of May beginning of June. I am very excited about this book, I love the storyline, and the wonderful illustrations.

My other two books are doing well, with both of them being in Borders, and Barnes and Noble by the middle of this week. Barnes and Noble have read 'What Would You Be?' in their storytime, and will be reading a few of the poems from 'draw me a picture' in the next few weeks as they are focusing on poetry for the children - so that's exciting!

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